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Bachelor of Business Administration, BBA, Schellhammer Business School


Schellhammer Business School

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BBAFull-time3 yearsOctober--

About Bachelor of Business Administration, BBA - at Schellhammer Business School

Probably the most comprehensive BBA program, on offer. To control one’s own life, to understand one’s culture and that of others, to participate meaningfully in society, to find fulfilling work and explore and challenge concepts and processes with the aim of constantly seeking new paths, to improving our individual and collective worlds. To do any of this we must accept the need to improve – not because we are not good enough but because we can be even better.

In that context, all education must be broadly based and explorative in nature, and incorporate not just academic but personal growth too. Most Bachelor degrees are based on cultural convention and an archaic and rigid system, not pedagogical wisdom that shoehorns everyone into making specialization choices, too early and that in most cases, count for nothing in the real world.

The BBA program at SBS is designed to offer maximum flexibility, educational efficiency and a relevant foundation to set students up for future success in both life and business. The program is based on the pragmatic recognition that business education needs to go beyond just teaching business processes, but must expand into developing practical skills and helping students develop a strong and resilient personality.

There are many local and global challenges that our current and future students will face, our responsibility as educators is to deliver a program that prepares them with broad practical, personal and business skills to adapt and thrive. Our mission is to build up a global generation that will push to change society for the better, addressing the environmental, institutional and social dysfunction that threatens humanity.

Notes about fees for this course

For tuition fee information, please visit https://www.schellhammerbusinessschool.com/tuition-fees/

Entry requirements

Credits: CH-Credit Hours. The duration of every module is 13 weeks and receives a credit per hour met each week. As such a module with 2-credit hours meets 2 hours per week. Additionally students engage in private study and preparation of between 1-2 hours per credit hour. ECTS (European Credit Transfer System): The student’s academic status can also be expressed by the use of the ECTS. One standard academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits that are equivalent to 1500–1800 hours of study. ECTS has been developed in order to provide a common measurement and facilitate the transfer of students and their grades between European higher education institutions.

Admission requirements: Minimum 18 years old; IB, A-level, High School or equivalent diploma.

Completion: Non-governmental-regulated equivalent private Bachelor: Science-based knowledge and skills.

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