About Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Graduate Diploma - at Trinity College Dublin
The Postgraduate Diploma in Gynaecology & Obstetrics is an intensive six month course. It is only open to medically qualified practitioners from developing countries. Candidates must have completed at least one year in Obstetrics & Gynaecology prior to entering the course. Participants are examined at the end of the course following lectures and clinical instruction in Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Neonatology, Anatomy of the pelvis, Reproductive Physiology and Obstetric and Gynaecological Pathology. For any student that would like further information with regards to reading lists and timetables for October please contact Bernadine Mackin for further information (email address at bottom of page).
The course is held in the Rotunda Hospital, Trinity College and the Trinity Centre in St Jamess Hospital during the six month period (October - March). In order to apply for a place on the course it is necessary to fill in 2 application forms, a TCD general form and a course specific DGO Form, both of which can be downloaded from the links on the left.
The Student Fees for this years session 2006/2007 are €9045 with an approximate increase of 9% for the session commencing in October 2007/08. Trinity College do not offer any form of sponsorship for the DGO course, but many of our students have been sponsored by their government or employer to take part in the course.
Students wishing to travel to Ieland for the DGO course will be required to obtain a student visa to gain entry to the country. The Student Visa Office require all students interest in studying in Ireland to pay €6250 of there total fees in order to obtain a student visa. In the event that you are refused a visa, the fees you have paid will be returned to you in full. You can view the new student visa guidelines from the Department of Justice Website http://www.justice.ie or click on link above to download a copy of the student visa requirements. Should you require and further information please contact Bernadine Mackin or Valerie Ashe