Argumentation Studies PhD
University of Windsor Canada
Media Art Histories and Visual Culture BFA
International Relations and Development Studies BA (Hons)
Psychology MA, PhD
Business (with optional Co-op) BBA (Hons)
Mechanical Engineering MEng, PhD, MASc
Mathematics and Statistics MSc, PhD
Human Kinetics MHk
English and Education (5 year Concurrent General Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature and Bachelor of Education) BEng
English Literature and Creative Writing BA (Hons)
Psychology BA (Hons)
Social Work MSW, PhD, MSW/JD
Electrical Engineering MEng, PhD, MASc
Spanish BA (Hons)
Women's and Gender Studies BA (Hons)
Philosophy MA
Built Environment BFA
Physics MSc, PhD
Kinesiology (with optional Co-op) BHk