About Design and Technology Education, CPD - at Sheffield Hallam University
The course has been created to meet the requirements of the National Standards for Subject Leadership and the exemplification of these standards by the Design and Technology Association.
Through a range of study and activity, students develop generic and specific management skills required by today’s curriculum manager. The programme also recognises the need for practising teachers to update their own subject knowledge and skills in line with modern industrial practice. This is necessary in order to provide the necessary leadership in a dynamic design and technology environment.
The structure of the course is based upon teachers’ work patterns in school. It seeks to use participants’ schools as a major source of information for research and development. In addition, the course encourages active collaboration between course members working in different establishments.
The course is run from different centres around the country which are changed annually.
Associated careersWe provide opportunities for short research projects completed as assessed elements of the course. These would be of interest to DATA for possible publication in its journal.
The course is designed for teachers of design and technology in the secondary/post-16 sector. It is aimed at both practising heads of department/faculty and those aspiring to such positions. Possession of this postgraduate qualification contributes significantly to the opportunity for career development and promotion within middle, and to senior, management in schools and colleges.
AssessmentBy continuous assessment, essays or projects
Course contentModules
managing the design and technology curriculum
management issues for the head of department
designing for manufacture
Postgraduate Diploma/MA
On successful completion of the course, you will be able to proceed to second and third years of study, diploma and masters respectively.
Entry requirementsNormally you need one of the following
a degree in a design and technology-related subject plus a one year Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
a degree in design and technology with education and qualified teacher status
a bachelor of education degree in subjects now part of design and technology such as home
economics, craft design and technology, textiles
a degree in a subject with some relation to design and technology, plus a two year PGCE (which includes one year of design and technology study)
certificate in education in a design and technology-related subject and a minimum of ten years’ teaching experience